Tag: Qt

  • Building Qt for Termux Android

    This is by all means, not the first blog post about Termux. It serves as a journal for myself, as well for anyone who’s interested in cross building Qt or Qt-related projects for Termux (which is a native Linux environment for Android) from their x86_64 machines.

    We already have @xeffyr who has done a great amount of work on building Qt for Termux. The work I’ve done recently would be 10 times harder, if not for what’s achieved by them already.

    If you’re new to cross building for Termux, I recommend you to start with Developer Wiki.

  • Announcing YapStocks 2.0

    Over the last few weeks, I’ve been working on a new plasmoid (KDE Plasma Applet) that provides a simple interface to monitor stocks. The first version was rather basic, being able to show the current market price only. Now it’s time to announce the availability of the second iteration of YapStocks (Yet Another Plasma Stocks Applet). I’ve recorded a short video clip showcasing all the features it has, ranging from the information summary to the historical price chart.

  • Hands-on Sailfish OS on Redmi Note 7

    Not sure if this is related to the COVID-19 lockdown, but we’ve seen a lot of geeky hobby projects coming up recently. A lot of community ports have been done over the last few months for niche mobile operating systems such as Sailfish OS. That’s exactly the one I played with briefly after purchasing a second-hand Redmi Note 7 on eBay (don’t ask me if I think it’s a waste of money now LOL).

    If you come here hoping to find the resources, head to the GitHub repo directly where you can find the ROMs to download.

    Make sure that you’ve unlocked the bootloader already! If not, you need to register a MI account and apply for unlocking here. You must log in to your MI account on both the unlocking tool and your phone (MI, POCO, RedMi). If you don’t have a Windows PC, I recommend using XiaoMiTool V2 which works on macOS, Linux, as well as Windows. Though I couldn’t find this on the official FAQ, you have to have a working SIM card inserted. You have to use the mobile data instead of WiFi when unlocking the bootloader on your phone because XiaoMi is doing some verification.

    Another problem I encountered was that in fastboot mode, RedMi Note 7 would just say “Press any key to reboot” when any commands are sent from my laptop. After googling on this, there seems to be a driver bug that makes RedMi Note 7 fastboot USB3 unfriendly. Using a USB-Hub worked for most people, including me 🤷.

    I wish you all a successful attempt to flash Sailfish OS into your RedMi Note 7. Here are some screenshots I took.

  • Use npm packages in QML

    I’ve been trying to code up some nice GUI for a hobby project which was done in JavaScript (Node.JS). I’ve looked at a few options that I have

    1. Use the not-yet-stable NodeGUI
    2. Go Web and use Electron
    3. Rewrite the core in Python or C++ to use Qt
    4. Use QML which has limited support for JavaScript

    I’ve explored the option 1, however, I soon ran into the problems with the Model/View/Delegate architecture which means I would have to implement native plugins/add-ons in order to use ListView. Not to mention the framework itself is still heavily under development.

    As for option 2, I’m not a web frontend engineer and personally I much prefer something that is native (or looks and feels native at least). For the third option, it feels a bit overkill but it is a possible way out.

    Luckily I don’t have to do the re-implementation, because I’ve managed to get the core functionality bundled into a single JS file which works flawlessly in the QML environment. Before I start diving into the details on how you can make your npm packages work in QML, I have to emphasise that there are many limitations in the QML environment and it’s very likely that only a small subset of the npm package that you’re interested in is going to work.

  • 适用于KDE Plasma 5的雅虎天气小部件

    去年简单粗暴地把自己写的Yahoo! Weather从KDE 4移植到了Plasma 5,但是一直没有好好改进一下。前段时间雅虎停止旧API支持,被迫更新,就顺便改改了。应该访客里有不少KDE的用户吧,想要一个简单的天气小部件的可以试试看。


    • 纯QML,不用编译直接装
    • 雅虎天气接口,大品牌值得信赖
    • 自认还算简洁明了的UI
    • 支持不同的计量单位(温度、气压、风速等)
    • 10天天气预报


  • 我的第一本书《Qt 5 Blueprints》


    刚收到Packt Pub的邮件约稿时,蛮忐忑的,担心自己水平不够,英语又不是母语,再加上自己没有吓死人的Bio,也没有「几十年」的开发经验。不过当时联系我的编辑人挺好的,而且我也知道Packt Pub甚至有在联系一些本科学生写书,而且他们也是第一次写书。所以我也就答应了,毕竟出版商能加特效,书duang很好、很专业。


  • libQtShadowsocks项目介绍和备忘




  • QCA 2.1.0在Windows上用MinGW的编译过程

    QCA是Qt Cryptographic Architecture的缩写,简而言之就是安全组件(如OpenSSL)的Qt封装,方便Qt程序调用,而不用写一大串C代码。QCA自然是开源的,而且好像是KDE的一个project(反正代码是在KDE的git服务器上)。

    时隔四年,QCA总算发布了新版本,虽然是小版本号的变化(2.0.3 -> 2.1.0),但却是非常重要的更新!!!首先支持使用Qt5了,其次使用CMake而不是qmake来管理了。如果不支持Qt5的话,我也不会关心QCA的…………

    但是目前主流Linux发行版的官方仓库还是2.0.3版的QCA,而且这次也没有Windows builds下载,只有源码包,好在编译不太麻烦,下面就记录了本次编译的过程(环境:Windows 8.1 x64 Pro, MinGW64 4.9.1 x64, MSYS, Qt 5.3.2 x64 static, OpenSSL 1.0.1j x64 static, CMake 3.1.0)。这次要编译的就是静态链接的QCA,如果你要编译动态链接的QCA,上面的工具链必须也是动态链接的!


  • 材料微观组织图像分析软件即我的毕设项目开源


    我的毕设项目是开发一个材料微观组织图像的分析软件,说直白点,主要功能就是数晶粒、测晶粒度级别数的,还能测多孔材料的孔隙率,第二相百分比等。软件名称是Computer-Aid Interactive Grain Analyser,简称CAIGA,名字没想太久,随便取的。。。


  • Shadowsocks的图形化客户端Shadowsocks-Qt5介绍




