Tag: Security

  • My Attempts to Integrate Home Assistant with ADT UK

    TL;DR. In the UK, you cannot connect the ADT alarm panel with any other devices or services that aren’t ADT-certified.

    Z-Wave Secondary Controller

    This is the first solution that I tried. Now I no longer say it doesn’t work in other regions than the UK, but I also can’t verify that myself. Full disclaimer that my experience is limited to the UK market, I managed to put my SmartThings Hub v3 Z-Wave into the learner mode, and was able to use the ADT mobile app to add it as a secondary controller (IIRC, it asked for a code, and I just gave 2222 which seems to be the generic installer’s code that ADT engineers use). Afterwards, I have 5 Z-Wave “Dimmer Switches” shown in the SmartThings app (I have 4 motion sensors, 1 door/window sensor, which I assume that’s why I have 5 Z-Wave devices shown up), but none of them would transmit any data. Later on, they went into the state of “disconnected” perpetually.

    To make things worse, the ADT panel would then display a warning saying my SmartThings Hub is an unknown device in the “Smart Devices” section. I was also not able to remove it myself using neither the panel nor the mobile app.

    In the end, over a phone call with an ADT technician, they were able to remotely remove my SmartThings Hub from the devices. Now my SmartThings Hub is just in a broken state as a secondary Z-Wave controller. Of course, I could reset my SmartThings Hub but then I’d also need to reconnect my 15 ZigBee devices. Instead of going through that hassle, I managed to use the SmartThings web app to remove these zombie Z-Wave dimmer switches, which is enough to hide them from the SmartThings app.

    Qolsys Gateway

    I then checked out https://github.com/XaF/qolsysgw which seemed to be the only working integration according to some HomeAssistant posts. Unfortunately, I’m not able to see “Installation” in the Advanced Settings in my Qolsys IQ Panel 4.

    Over a phone call with an ADT technician, I’ve been told that menu is reserved for ADT engineers only, and that connecting to other systems such as Google Home, Alexa is not allowed in the UK (but he admitted it is something that customers can do in the US for example). This might explain why some people is able to use Z-Wave secondary controller, yet I’m not able to (though the error is much less obvious).

    I do feel a bit conflicted on their approach to this matter, as this effectively breaks my smart home setup into two disconnected worlds: one with SmartThings and HomeAssistant that’s relatively well connected, and one with just ADT alarm system. Hopefully they’ll update their policies in the UK in the coming years, and we could use more competition in this space and someone should provide a solution that integrates with other smart home systems in the UK.

  • Chrome OS, Linux Containers and Application Launchers

    So I installed the great brunch framework on my laptop after a hiatus of a couple of months. I still dislike the fact that the Linux containers are running under a VM on Chrome OS. Sure it is more secure as the containers won’t be able to access the host hardware directly etc. It is also slightly inefficient. So I tried both chromebrew and brioche. Note that brioche only supports brunch (thus half of this post won’t apply to official Chrome OS builds).

  • WireGuard初體驗




  • 关于ShadowsocksR和Shadowsocks的安全性



  • Windows下三分钟搭建Shadowoscks服务器端




  • QCA 2.1.0在Windows上用MinGW的编译过程

    QCA是Qt Cryptographic Architecture的缩写,简而言之就是安全组件(如OpenSSL)的Qt封装,方便Qt程序调用,而不用写一大串C代码。QCA自然是开源的,而且好像是KDE的一个project(反正代码是在KDE的git服务器上)。

    时隔四年,QCA总算发布了新版本,虽然是小版本号的变化(2.0.3 -> 2.1.0),但却是非常重要的更新!!!首先支持使用Qt5了,其次使用CMake而不是qmake来管理了。如果不支持Qt5的话,我也不会关心QCA的…………

    但是目前主流Linux发行版的官方仓库还是2.0.3版的QCA,而且这次也没有Windows builds下载,只有源码包,好在编译不太麻烦,下面就记录了本次编译的过程(环境:Windows 8.1 x64 Pro, MinGW64 4.9.1 x64, MSYS, Qt 5.3.2 x64 static, OpenSSL 1.0.1j x64 static, CMake 3.1.0)。这次要编译的就是静态链接的QCA,如果你要编译动态链接的QCA,上面的工具链必须也是动态链接的!


  • 即日起提供Google学术搜索反向代理服务




  • OpenShift新推出无月使用费的Bronze计划

    Red Hat旗下,业界领先的PaaS平台OpenShift最近推出一款全新的「铜牌」(Bronze)计划。(受不了自己的这股新闻联播腔了……)

    Bronze和之前的Silver最大的区别在于:Silver每月掏20美金作为Red Hat的商业技术支持费用。而Bronze则不用缴纳此项「月费」,但也无法享受Red Hat的技术支持(和Free一样只有社区支持)。Free/Bronze/Silver三个计划的对比在官网这里能很好的看出来。


  • 本WordPress博客内容现已完全沉浸在SSL保护之中

    访问本站的筒子们有没有发现地址栏上优雅动人的绿色小锁呢(昨天还是黄色小三角形)?:D 现在您在本站访问的全部内容都通过HTTPS传输了哦~通过http协议访问也会被直接跳转到https(除网络爬虫和IE 9以下用户)。



  • Fedora禁用/去除SELinux的办法








    if selinuxenabled; then echo Enabled; else echo Disabled; fi


